Tel: +47 94 15 41 56
9178 Barentsburg
Svalbard, Norway


Visit Pyramiden: The Soviet Ghost Town Brought Back to Life

Preserved in 1998, Pyramiden is now one of the world’s most famous ghost towns. Revived by Trust Arcticugol in 2008, it welcomes visitors by boat in summer and snowmobile in winter. With a renovated Cultural Palace, Hotel, and Bar, Pyramiden is more alive than ever.


The distance from Longyearbyen to Pyramiden is approximately 110-160 km, and there are no roads connecting the two settlements.

In winter, Pyramiden is accessible only by snowmobiles from mid-March to early May. Join our Arctic Time Machine tour to spend 3 unforgettable days snowmobiling through breathtaking Arctic landscapes and exploring Pyramiden.

From mid-June to late September, you can reach Pyramiden by boat with our summer tours. Choose one-day tour to Pyramiden for a quick introduction or Back to USSR in Pyramiden two-day tour with an overnight stay in Pyramiden for a deeper experience.

For more details, visit our dedicated page: How to Get to Our Settlements.


Hotel Pyramiden is seasonally open since 2013 - with half or full board. Located near spectacular Glacier Camp vis-a-vis next to the impressive ice front of Nordenskiöld glacier. Has 38 Twin and 5 Suite rooms. Newly-refurnished rooms are each equipped with toilet and shower.


Welcome to Pyramiden Restaurant - a special place with peculiar Soviet atmosphere and great food! The menu is specially designed to feed people who have had an exciting day out in Svalbard`s rough nature. In addition we like to offer a playful menu based on authentic Russian specialties. We also offer banquet menu for groups and special occasions, with skillfully composed choice.


The Bar of the Pyramiden Hotel is a modern european bar with a wide range of drinks for any tastes. The chillout zone of the bar has been enlarged in 2019 due to high occupancy during high season but the interior was preserved with huge attention to the details not to disturb the atmosphere of the Soviet entourage.
Pyramiden Restaurant offers both set menu and menu a-la-carte.
Please pay attention that the restaurant works on terms of pre-booking.


Locals call Pyramiden a time-travel machine as the settlement was preserved really well due to the arctic climate, so visitors feel the real atmosphere of the Soviet Union, as if the town was left just a couple of days ago. This is why the excursion through the town visiting the old canteen, swimming pool and the Cultural Palace is a must-see. Though pay attention that normally the buildings are closed and visitors are not allowed to get inside not being accompanied with a guide.


Pyramiden is becoming famous for its hikes as there are more then 15 routes from the hotel for any level and interest. Industrial Soviet constructions, different huts and of course beautiful mountains and waterfalls. Visitors and hikers either need to use the local guide's services or have necessary equipment and a gun with them to stay safe. Most of the routes are well described by local mountain guide and you may request the brochure in the hotel.