The distance from Longyearbyen to Pyramiden is approximately 110-160 km, and there are no roads connecting the two settlements.
In winter, Pyramiden is accessible only by snowmobiles from mid-March to early May. Join our Arctic Time Machine tour to spend 3 unforgettable days snowmobiling through breathtaking Arctic landscapes and exploring Pyramiden.
From mid-June to late September, you can reach Pyramiden by boat with our summer tours. Choose one-day tour to Pyramiden for a quick introduction or Back to USSR in Pyramiden two-day tour with an overnight stay in Pyramiden for a deeper experience.
For more details, visit our dedicated page: How to Get to Our Settlements.
Welcome to Pyramiden Restaurant - a special place with peculiar Soviet atmosphere and great food! The menu is specially designed to feed people who have had an exciting day out in Svalbard`s rough nature. In addition we like to offer a playful menu based on authentic Russian specialties. We also offer banquet menu for groups and special occasions, with skillfully composed choice.